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January 15, 2024

Pseudoentropy for descendant operators in two-dimensional conformal field theories Authors

We study the late-time behaviors of pseudo-(Rényi) entropy of locally excited states in rational conformal field theories. To construct the transition matrix, we utilize two nonorthogonal locally excited states that are created by the application of different descendant operators to vacuum. We show that when two descendant operators are generated by a single Virasoro generator acting on the same primary operator, the late-time excess of pseudoentropy and pseudo-Rényi entropy corresponds to the logarithm of the quantum dimension of the associated primary operator, in agreement with the case of entanglement entropy. However, for linear combination operators generated by the generic summation of Virasoro generators, we obtain a distinct late-time excess formula for the pseudo-(Rényi) entropy compared to that for (Rényi) entanglement entropy. As the mixing of holomorphic and antiholomorphic generators …

January 4, 2024

The sexual and gender-diverse face more health challenges during COVID-19: A large-scale social media analysis with natural language processing

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a disproportionate impact on the sex and gender diversity (SGD) community. Compared with non-SGD populations, their social relations and health status are more vulnerable, whereas public health data regarding SGD is scarce.

To analyze the concerns and health status of SGD individuals, this cohort study leveraged 471,371,477 tweets from 251,455 SGD and 22,644,411 non-SGD users, spanning from February 1, 2020, to April 30, 2022. The outcome measures comprised the distribution and dynamics of COVID-related topics, attitudes towards vaccines and the prevalence of symptoms.

Topic analysis revealed that SGD users engaged more frequently in discussions related to “friends and family” (20.5% vs 13.1%, P<0.001) and "wear masks" (10.1% vs 8.3%, P<0.001) compared to non-SGD users. Additionally, SGD users exhibited a significantly higher proportion of positive sentiment in tweets about vaccines, including Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson. Among 102,464 users who self-reported COVID-19 diagnoses, SGD users disclosed significantly higher frequencies of mentioning 61 out of 69 COVID-related symptoms to non-SGD users, encompassing both physical and mental health challenges. Conclusion The results provide insights to an understanding of the unique needs and experiences of the SGD community during the pandemic, emphasizing the value of social media data in epidemiological and public health research.

January 3, 2024

Data and Information Quality

Data and Information Quality 2024 Volume 16, Number 1 ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality continued on back cover EDITORIALS FROM THE EIC Article 1 (1 page) F. Naumann Editorial Article 2 (2 pages) T. Catarci Editor-in-Chief (June 2017–November 2023) Farewell Report SPECIAL ISSUE ON HUMAN IN THE LOOP DATA CURATION Article 3 (2 pages) G. Demartini S. Sadiq J. Yang Editorial Article 4 (25 pages) S. Tsaneva M. Sabou Enhancing Human-in-the-Loop Ontology Curation Results through Task Design Article 5 (33 pages) T. Breuer N. Fuhr P. Schaer Validating Synthetic Usage Data in Living Lab Environments Article 6 (26 pages) JLM Pereira MJ Fonseca A. Lopes H. Galhardas Cleenex: Support for User Involvement during an Iterative Data Cleaning Process AC M Journal of Da ta and In forma tion Quality V o l. 16• N o. 1 • 2 0 2 4 Articles 1–10 Page 2 ACM 1601 Broadway, 10th Floor New …

January 2, 2024

Molecular regulation of calcium‐sensing receptor (CaSR)‐mediated signaling

Calcium‐sensing receptor (CaSR), a family C G‐protein‐coupled receptor, plays a crucial role in regulating calcium homeostasis by sensing small concentration changes of extracellular Ca2+, Mg2+, amino acids (e.g., L‐Trp and L‐Phe), small peptides, anions (e.g., HCO3− and PO43−), and pH. CaSR‐mediated intracellular Ca2+ signaling regulates a diverse set of cellular processes including gene transcription, cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, muscle contraction, and neuronal transmission. Dysfunction of CaSR with mutations results in diseases such as autosomal dominant hypocalcemia, familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, and neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism. CaSR also influences calciotropic disorders, such as osteoporosis, and noncalciotropic disorders, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and pulmonary arterial hypertension. This study first reviews recent advances in biochemical …

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InLighta Patents

InLightaTM BioSciences L.L.C. currently has exclusive operational agreement with Georgia State University for a robust patent portfolio (18 issued and pending patents) related to targeted and non-targeted protein-based contrast agents in the U.S. and various international markets including China, Japan, Canada, Germany, France and the U.K.

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